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Posted at 2009-04-17 11:07 | RSS feed (Full text feed) | Blog Index
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Friday Q&A 2009-04-17: Code Generation with LLVM, Part 1: Basics
by Mike Ash  

Welcome back to another heart-pounding edition of Friday Q&A. Phil Holland and Ed Wynne both suggested that I do something with LLVM, and so I'm going to discuss how to generate and call code at runtime using LLVM. This week I'm going to talk about the basics needed to get up and running with code generation, and then next week in Part 2 I'm going to show how you can use this technique to build a fast Objective-C trampoline object.

What is LLVM?
About a month ago I talked about the Clang Static Analyzer, a really handy code analyzer which can point out all kinds of errors in your programs. The static analyzer is actually an offshoot of LLVM.

LLVM stands for Low Level Virtual Machine. As far as what this means, it's basically a compiler toolkit designed to be usable for just-in-time compilation. That makes it sound smaller than it really is, though. It's a huge project which provides a wealth of features in many compiler-related areas. For more information about everything it can do, click the magic link.

Among the many things LLVM is capable of, it allows you to construct code at runtime, compile it to native code, and then get a function pointer that you can call right from your own code. This means that you can build custom code on demand and get full native speed from it. Very cool!

Building Code
This week I'm going to walk through how to use LLVM to build two basic functions. The first function will just perform a multiply and add on its arguments, and the second one, a bit more complex, will be a recursive greatest common denominator function. Of course it would be a lot easier to just write these functions in plain old C, but the point is to illustrate the technique, not actually build something useful just yet.

I'll post code snippets as I go, but if you'd like to see the entire test program, you can get it here. To use it, you will of course have to install LLVM. Instructions for that can be found on the LLVM site, but it's pretty much like any other UNIX package.

This code is mainly cobbled together from the LLVM tutorials. However, they're a bit incomplete when it comes to the basics (the "simple" tutorial shows how to build the functions but not how to compile them) and occasionally don't quite work, so I thought it would be useful to present a complete example.

The first thing to do is to create a new Module. This is basically a container that functions can be put into. This little function creates a new Module, generates the two functions, and then returns it so that we can use it.

    Module* makeLLVMModule()
        // Module Construction
        Module* mod = new Module("test");
        return mod;
There's really nothing interesting going on here. Those build functions are where the interesting work happens.

Let's look at BuildMulAdd. The purpose of this function is just to compute x*y+z, where those variables are the three parameters to the function. The first thing it does is create a new Function object to work with:

    void BuildMulAdd(Module *mod)
        Constant* c = mod->getOrInsertFunction("mul_add",
        /*ret type*/                           IntegerType::get(32),
        /*args*/                               IntegerType::get(32),
        /*varargs terminated with null*/       NULL);
        Function* mul_add = cast(c);
The first line creates the object, which for some reason is typed Constant. (My understanding of the system is not quite at 100% yet.) You give it a name, and the return and argument types, and it creates the object. We cast it to the right type, and set up the calling conventions. So far, so good.

The next thing to do is extract the individual arguments so that we can use them when creating the function body. While we're at it, we'll also give them names. LLVM works by building code in what's called the LLVM intermediate representation, which acts as a kind of high level, portable assembly language. That IR is then translated into machine code when required. These names are used when building the IR to make it easier to read, but are not required. Here's how to set up the arguments:

        Function::arg_iterator args = mul_add->arg_begin();
        Value* x = args++;
        Value* y = args++;
        Value* z = args++;
The next thing to do is to set up a basic block. LLVM code is organized in terms of basic blocks. A basic block is just a block of code which has no branches. In this case, since the function has no branches anyway, a single basic block takes care of the entire function:
        BasicBlock* block = BasicBlock::Create("entry", mul_add);
The next thing is to create an IRBuilder. This is an object that helps with building the intermediate representation. It's basically a helper object. It's possible to create things more directly, but IRBuilder makes building code much easier:
        IRBuilder<> builder(block);
The next thing is to actually create the instructions for the function body. This is nice and simple, since it's just a single multiply followed by a single add:
        Value* tmp = builder.CreateBinOp(Instruction::Mul,
                                         x, y, "tmp");
        Value* tmp2 = builder.CreateBinOp(Instruction::Add,
                                          tmp, z, "tmp2");
Like the arguments, the intermediate values also get names that will show up in the IR code. tmp2 contains the desired result, so now we return it:
And that's it! Easy enough. Of course we can't actually execute the thing yet. But before we get to that, let's look at the BuildGCD function.

Greatest Common Denominator
The goal is to build a gcd function using the standard recursive algorithm, like so:

    int gcd(int x, int y)
        if(x == y)
            return x;
        else if(x < y)
            return gcd(x, y - x);
            return gcd(x - y, y);
The initial setup to the function is virtually identical:
    void BuildGCD(Module *mod)
        Constant *c = mod->getOrInsertFunction("gcd",
        Function *gcd = cast<Function>(c);
        Function::arg_iterator args = gcd->arg_begin();
        Value *x = args++;
        Value *y = args++;
Next we'll set up the basic blocks needed by the function. In this case there are five needed. We need one entry block, which will contain the first if. We need a block to execute the return for the case where the if is true. A third block contains the second if The forth and fifth blocks handle the true and false branches of that:
        BasicBlock *entry = BasicBlock::Create("entry", gcd);
        BasicBlock *ret = BasicBlock::Create("return", gcd);
        BasicBlock *condFalse = BasicBlock::Create("condFalse", gcd);
        BasicBlock *condTrue = BasicBlock::Create("condTrue", gcd);
        BasicBlock *condFalse2 = BasicBlock::Create("condTrue", gcd);
Next we'll build code for these blocks. Since it's all relatively straightforward, and the LLVM documentation and tutorials will explain it better than I can, I'm just going to gloss over it and dump it out here:
        IRBuilder<> builder(entry);
        Value *xeqy = builder.CreateICmpEQ(x, y, "tmp");
        builder.CreateCondBr(xeqy, ret, condFalse);
        Value *xlty = builder.CreateICmpULT(x, y, "tmp");
        builder.CreateCondBr(xlty, condTrue, condFalse2);
        Value *yminusx = builder.CreateSub(y, x, "tmp");
        std::vector<Value *> args1;
        Value *recurCall1 = builder.CreateCall(gcd, args1.begin(), args1.end(), "tmp");
        Value *xminusy = builder.CreateSub(x, y, "tmp");
        std::vector<Value *> args2;
        Value *recurCall2 = builder.CreateCall(gcd, args2.begin(), args2.end(), "tmp");
Notice how all of the intermediate variables are called "tmp". This is not a very useful thing to do, but it does illustrate that LLVM will automatically change these names as needed to ensure that they don't conflict, which is useful. You'll be able to see this in the generated intermediate representation, which we'll get to in a bit.

That's how to build the functions, now let's see how to use them. First thing is to actually call the function to build the module, with the functions within:

    int main(int argc, char**argv)
        Module* Mod = makeLLVMModule();
The next thing is to call the verifyModule function on the new Module. I'll be honest with you: I have no idea what this does, but the tutorial did it so I'm doing it too!
        verifyModule(*Mod, PrintMessageAction);
Now that the module is ready, I want to print it out. This just dumps the intermediate representation that's been built for the module. This step is not required, but is interesting and can help with debugging:
        PassManager PM;
        ModulePass *pmp = createPrintModulePass(&outs;());
Now on to the really interesting stuff: compiling and running the code. This is done by using an ExceutionEngine object:
        ExecutionEngine *engine = ExecutionEngine::create(Mod);
Here's the really cool part. You use getPointerToFunction to get a function pointer from the ExecutionEngine. And this is a real function pointer. You can call it like you would any other function. Just cast it to the right type, add parentheses and parameters, and off you go.
        typedef int (*MulAddFptr)(int, int, int);
        MulAddFptr fptr = (MulAddFptr)engine->getPointerToFunction(Mod->getFunction("mul_add"));
        typedef int (*GCDFptr)(int, int);
        GCDFptr gcd = (GCDFptr)engine->getPointerToFunction(Mod->getFunction("gcd"));
        fprintf(stderr, "%p: 2*3+4 = %d\n", fptr, fptr(2, 3, 4));
        fprintf(stderr, "%p: gcd(10, 25) = %d, gcd(1234, 5678) = %d\n", gcd, gcd(10, 25), gcd(1234, 5678));
How neat is that? That's all it takes to compile and run these functions. All that's left is cleanup:
        delete Mod;
        return 0;
That's the whole program. Here's what it prints:
    ; ModuleID = 'test'
    define i32 @mul_add(i32 %x, i32 %y, i32 %z) {
        %tmp = mul i32 %x, %y		; <i32> [#uses=1]
        %tmp2 = add i32 %tmp, %z		; <i32> [#uses=1]
        ret i32 %tmp2
    define i32 @gcd(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
        %tmp = icmp eq i32 %x, %y		; <i1> [#uses=1]
        br i1 %tmp, label %return, label %condFalse
    return:		; preds = %entry
        ret i32 %x
    condFalse:		; preds = %entry
        %tmp2 = icmp ult i32 %x, %y		; <i1> [#uses=1]
        br i1 %tmp2, label %condTrue, label %condTrue1
    condTrue:		; preds = %condFalse
        %tmp3 = sub i32 %y, %x		; <i32> [#uses=1]
        %tmp4 = call i32 @gcd(i32 %x, i32 %tmp3)		; <i32> [#uses=1]
        ret i32 %tmp4
    condTrue1:		; preds = %condFalse
        %tmp5 = sub i32 %x, %y		; <i32> [#uses=1]
        %tmp6 = call i32 @gcd(i32 %tmp5, i32 %y)		; <i32> [#uses=1]
        ret i32 %tmp6
    0x1880010: 2*3+4 = 10
    0x1880030: gcd(10, 25) = 5, gcd(1234, 5678) = 2
As you can see, the intermediate representation code is nicely readable. If something is going wrong, reading it can be a good check to make sure that you're actually generating the code that you want. After it prints the intermediate representation, miracle of miracles, it prints the correct numbers too!

Although it's pretty pointless to build static functions using LLVM like this, it illustrates interesting techniques. Using this as a base, you can easily take these code generation functions and make them dynamic, so that they generate code in a way that you simply couldn't do from plain C. Next week, I'll show how you can use LLVM to generate Objective-C methods on the fly and actually build something almost useful from it.

That wraps up this week's edition. Remember that Friday Q&A is driven by your ideas, so send them in. Obviously I won't be able to use your idea next week, but rest assured that I save them and use them in the future. Tune in next week for the exciting conclusion, and post your comments below.

Did you enjoy this article? I'm selling whole books full of them! Volumes II and III are now out! They're available as ePub, PDF, print, and on iBooks and Kindle. Click here for more information.


Really interesting stuff! Looking forward to next week's installment...
It would be great to run the LLVM standards optimizations on the intermediate representation before generating native code.
Do you know how to do that?
It doesn't seem much complicated:

You just need to know what optimization passes to use...
Yep, running the optimizations is trivial. Next week's example will have them integrated, but that page tells you everything you need to know.
I'd love to see a tutorial on Core Audio. If you want a more specific request: capturing, and maybe converting close to real time, an audio input?
Thanks for the suggestion, sounds like a good one. I've added it to the pool.
Another great topic would be how to go about tracking down "over-rootedness" issues when running in a garbage collected environment. It doesn't seem like the current tools help very much here. Are you doing anything with GC Mike?
I haven't done a whole lot with GC, but enough to be familiar. I don't know if I could do your suggestion but I'll put it on the list and think about it. In the meantime, check out "info gc-roots" and "info gc-references" in gdb if you don't already know about them.
It's odd that you never explicitly mention the tool chain or language or other requirements for actually building this code. It looks like C++, and I know that LLVM or parts of it are in C++... Are the tutorials you mention pre-requisites for understanding this article? What other prerequisites are there?
I mention that you need LLVM installed, and that's all you need beyond a standard OS X developer tools install. The command for building the code is at the top of the full source listing here:

ExceutionEngine -> ExecutionEngine

First mention in main body text

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