mikeash.com: just this guy, you know?

Posted at 2009-05-08 16:22 | RSS feed (Full text feed) | Blog Index
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Tags: iphone link
by Mike Ash  

I'm afraid I have to skip Friday Q&A one more week but I hope to be back up next week, because one of the things that's been keeping me busy has finally shipped! It's called Nanogolf, and it's a multiplayer mini golf game for the Mac and iPhone. My partner and I have been hard at work on this for a long time and it's nice to finally see it out in the wild. The Mac version is free, the iPhone version is cheap, and they can play against each other. Go forth and soothe your Q&A pangs with a nice round of miniature golf.

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I don't suppose you would release the free Mac version into the wild to give us a good example of how you do things? No? Well, I understand.
If you mean release it as open source, I'm afraid not. However I wouldn't be averse to discussing some interesting aspect of how it's built.

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