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Friday Q&A 2011-12-30: Disassembling the Assembly, Part 3: ARM edition
by Gwynne Raskind  

Gwynne finishes off her series on analyzing assembly code with a look at ARM assembly, for all of your iOS needs. Gwynne will be contributing the occasional article in the future as well as a guest author, without my introductions. Watch the Author field at the top of the post to see who's writing what. Without further ado, let's take a look at ARM.

Since I wrote part 1 of this series on reading x86_64 assembly language, I've gotten several requests for a version which talks about reading ARM assembly language, as ARM is the architecture used by devices running iOS. Unfortunately, at the time of those requests, I didn't know much of anything about ARM! So rather than disappoint, I embarked on a crash course in the instruction set.

Fortunately, it turned out that ARM isn't all that complicated; it's more like learning a new dialect of a language you already know than learning an entirely new language. For sanity's sake, in this article I will assume you've already read both part 1 and part 2, and explain only the differences that appear in ARM rather than reiterating all the basic concepts.

I have most likely made at least one mistake in my understanding of ARM, and I gladly invite any explanations and corrections that people may find.

Unfortunately, the ARM specifications are a little harder to get your hands on than x86_64's; you have to go to their website and register for an account before you can download the PDFs. On the bright side, it's not a paywall and the registration process is fairly simple. If you go to the trouble, look for the documents "ARMv7-AR Architecture Reference Manual (Issue C)" under "ARM Architecture", and "Base Platform ABI for the ARM Architecture" and "Procedure Call Standard for the ARM Architecture" under "ARM software development tools". Apple's documentation on the ARM ABI used for iOS is public, and gives nearly all information one would typically need regarding the ABI.

I found it a little bemusing that the primary documentation for ARM is split across several dozen documents, while that for x86_64 is in six PDFs total. There are an equal number of documents under the x86_64 umbrella as a whole, but you need only two (maximum three if you do SIMD work) of them to do applications programming, and those are very clearly labeled. At least three documents are needed just to get the same amount of data for ARM, and they're considerably harder to find unless you already know a number of details about the platform and high-level language you'll be working with.

The many flavors of ARM
Before I can talk about the particulars of how ARM does what it does, I have to explain something about the architecture: There are at least a dozen flavors of it. Unlike x86, ARM was designed from its very beginning for use in a variety of environments, all with different requirements for speed, power consumption, and efficiency. It has also gone through a number of major revisions, and has a long list of optional features. In this article I will focus on the particular flavor of ARM used by the modern iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch: The ARMv7 architecture, Application profile, with Thumb 2 and NEON SIMD.

What does this mean? It means I'll be working from version 7 of the ARM instruction set (there are currently 8 revisions, but ARMv8 is not yet implemented in any shipping processors). I'll focus on the Application profile, which is intended for typical operating systems, rather than the Real-time profile (intended for small - you guessed it! - realtime systems) or the Mobile profile (intended for embedded systems). ARMv6, used in first- and second-generation iDevices save the iPad, is largely similar, but not identical. It also means I'll use the Thumb instruction set, as it's strongly recommended by Apple for use on iOS.

The ARM architecture specifies a secondary instruction set called Thumb. The purpose of Thumb is fairly simple: Do all the common tasks with smaller instructions. While ARM instructions have a fixed size of 32 bits each, Thumb instructions (with a very few exceptions) are 16 bits each, making for much smaller code. Apple has recommending building iOS code with Thumb for most of iOS' lifetime for exactly this reason, though their toolchain is famous for creating crashing code when building ARMv6 Thumb with floating-point support.

In ARMv6, reading Thumb versus ARM assembler was annoying at best, as they didn't use the same language. With ARMv7, however, ARM developed a "Unified Assembly Language" (UAL) which covers all the operations of both ARM and Thumb instructions in a single (you guessed it!) unified set of mnemonics. This is another reason I'm sticking to ARMv7.

Note: It was also not until ARMv7 that Thumb (more specifically, Thumb 2) got proper support for floating-point extensions, which is part of the reason Apple's compilers had so much trouble earlier on.

A particular quirk of Thumb is how you tell the CPU which instruction set you're running at any given moment. This is solved by a set of "interworking" branch instructions; when a branch is taken by one of these instructions to an address stored in a register, it interprets the least significant (last) bit of the address as a flag telling the CPU which mode to switch to. When a branch is taken to a hardcoded address, however, the instruction set flag is simply flipped. Therefore, a bx #12345 instruction will branch to Thumb if the current ISA is ARM, and ARM if the current ISA is Thumb, whereas a bx r5 instruction will set the current ISA based on the low bit of r5 (a 1 bit branches to Thumb, a 0 bit to ARM).

Keep in mind, however, that all this fancy interworking stuff only happens if the program asks it to. The normal b and bl instructions don't do any of this. Whether or not you change instruction sets during any branch is up to you!

Don't worry if this doesn't make too much sense; thanks to UAL, the meaning of the instructions is the same between Thumb and ARM in almsot all cases, so knowing how to read the assembly language is most of what you need. It is important to remember only that most Thumb instructions can only access a limited set of registers, and take much smaller ranges of immediate values.

ARM specifies sixteen general-purpose registers and one status register for application use. NEON further defines sixteen 128-bit vector registers which overlap with the set of thirty-two double precision floating-point registers used by the earlier VFP specification (these in turn overlap with the set of thirty-two single precision registers). Registers with multiple names can be referred to by either name with the same result, though by convention it is always preferred to use a name (such as lr) over a number (such as r14) except in specific situations. Of these fifteen, several are reserved for specific purposes.

Calling conventions
Actually, I don't have to say much here; it's all in the registers commentary. r0-r3 are used for integer argument passing and returns, s/d/q0-qN are used for floating-point argument passing and returns, and anything that doesn't fit in the registers is spilled to the stack. As usual, this is a bit simplified, but it works!

Oh, and by the way, the memory model for ARM is, for all intents and purposes, the same as that for x86_64, save for the smaller memory space.

Disassembling, at last
Enough architecture talk, let's look at some assembler. I'm using the same code again as in parts 1 and 2, and the following command for compilation:

        /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/clang -S test.m -fobjc-arc -arch armv7 -miphoneos-version-min=5.0 -isysroot /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS5.0.sdk -mthumb -Os

That's use the iOS SDK's Clang, show assembler output, compile with ARC, compile for ARMv7, require iOS 5 (required to link properly), build against the iOS SDK (required for ARM compilation), use Thumb, and optimize for size. And here's the result for the main function:

                .thumb_func        _main
                push        {r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
                add        r7, sp, #12
                str        r8, [sp, #-4]!
                blx        _objc_autoreleasePoolPush
                movw        r1, :lower16:(L_OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_25-(LPC8_0+4))
                movt        r1, :upper16:(L_OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_25-(LPC8_0+4))
                mov        r8, r0
                movw        r0, :lower16:(L_OBJC_CLASSLIST_REFERENCES_$_-(LPC8_1+4))
                add        r1, pc
                movt        r0, :upper16:(L_OBJC_CLASSLIST_REFERENCES_$_-(LPC8_1+4))
                add        r0, pc
                ldr        r1, [r1]
                ldr        r0, [r0]
                blx        _objc_msgSend
                movw        r1, :lower16:(L_OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_28-(LPC8_2+4))
                movs        r3, #42
                movt        r1, :upper16:(L_OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_28-(LPC8_2+4))
                add        r1, pc
                ldr        r1, [r1]
                movw        r2, :lower16:(L__unnamed_cfstring_27-(LPC8_3+4))
                movt        r2, :upper16:(L__unnamed_cfstring_27-(LPC8_3+4))
                add        r2, pc
                blx        _objc_msgSend
                mov        r5, r0
                movw        r0, :lower16:(L_OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_29-(LPC8_4+4))
                movt        r0, :upper16:(L_OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_29-(LPC8_4+4))
                add        r0, pc
                ldr        r1, [r0]
                mov        r0, r5
                blx        _objc_msgSend
                mov        r7, r7                @ marker for objc_retainAutoreleaseReturnValue
                blx        _objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
                mov        r4, r0
                mov        r0, r4
                bl        _MyFunction
                mov        r7, r7                @ marker for objc_retainAutoreleaseReturnValue
                blx        _objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
                mov        r6, r0
                mov        r0, r4
                blx        _objc_release
                movw        r0, :lower16:(L__unnamed_cfstring_23-(LPC8_5+4))
                mov        r1, r6
                movt        r0, :upper16:(L__unnamed_cfstring_23-(LPC8_5+4))
                add        r0, pc
                blx        _NSLog
                mov.w        r0, #1065353216
                bl        _MyFPFunction
                vmov        s0, r0
                movw        r0, :lower16:(L__unnamed_cfstring_31-(LPC8_6+4))
                movt        r0, :upper16:(L__unnamed_cfstring_31-(LPC8_6+4))
                vcvt.f64.f32        d16, s0
                add        r0, pc
                vmov        r1, r2, d16
                blx        _NSLog
                mov        r0, r6
                blx        _objc_release
                mov        r0, r5
                blx        _objc_release
                mov        r0, r8
                blx        _objc_autoreleasePoolPop
                movs        r0, #0
                ldr        r8, [sp], #4
                pop        {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}

Whew! For a function built with an instruction set specifically designed to be small, this is pretty long. Seventy-two lines. In truth, the compiled machine code is quite small; only the assembler that produces that code is verbose, which is typical of RISC architectures.

Some quick notes about ARM assembler syntax:

Let's see what we can make of main:

  1.             .thumb_func        _main
                push        {r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
                add        r7, sp, #12
                str        r8, [sp, #-4]!

    .thumb_func is an assembler directive that tells clang to use the Thumb ISA for the function named. Then we have the symbol for the function. ARM's push instruction can take an entire list of registers at once to save to the stack, so main is saving r4 through r6 so it can use them as scratch, r7 (the old frame pointer), and lr (the return address of the calling function). lr must be saved because any subroutine calls main makes will overwrite the value - it is not preserved across function calls. Not only that, but iOS (and any other implementation with a frame pointer) requires the return address to be on the stack as part of the stack frame for the function. The iOS ABI says that failure to set up a stack frame "can prevent debugging and performance tools from generating valid backtraces." Next, we add 12 to the stack pointer and store the result in r7 to create the frame pointer. Notice that this does not modify sp itself! The last instruction is rather tricky: It subtracts 4 from sp, saves the new value of sp, and writes the value in r8 to memory at sp. The net result of this is to push r8 to the stack. The compiler doesn't use another push instruction because the encoding of str for r8 is smaller in Thumb (16-bit versus needing a 32-bit Thumb instruction to push it).

  2.             blx        _objc_autoreleasePoolPush
                mov        r8, r0

    Branch and link with interworking to objc_autoreleasePoolPush. This is just a subroutine call, with the option to switch to the ARM ISA. The function takes no parameters, and will return its result in r0. The result is saved in r8. Yes, I know I've read the instructions out of order here, but the compiler separated them for some reason and it makes no difference to the code flow to show them in conceptual order rather than assembler order.

  3.             movw        r1, :lower16:(L_OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_25-(LPC8_0+4))
                movt        r1, :upper16:(L_OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_25-(LPC8_0+4))
                movw        r0, :lower16:(L_OBJC_CLASSLIST_REFERENCES_$_-(LPC8_1+4))
                add        r1, pc
                movt        r0, :upper16:(L_OBJC_CLASSLIST_REFERENCES_$_-(LPC8_1+4))
                add        r0, pc
                ldr        r1, [r1]
                ldr        r0, [r0]
                blx        _objc_msgSend

    Welcome to calling Objective-C selectors on ARM! This reads: Take the address of label L_OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_25, subtract the address of label LPC8_0+4, and select the low sixteen bits of the result, writing them into the bottom 16 bits of r1. Then take upper 16 bits of the same address and write them into the upper 16 bits of r1. This is done in two steps because there is no Thumb encoding for a 32-bit immediate register load. pc is then added to r1, forming a pc-relative address. This idiom should look familiar from x86_64's rip-relative addressing. The same is done again for L_OBJC_CLASSLIST_REFERENCES_$_, loading it into r0. The two ldr instructions read values from the addresses in the two registers into the registers themselves, equivelant to the C code a = *a;. Finaly, the code does a branch and link with interworking instruction to objc_msgSend, completing the method call. Congratulations, you've just learned how ARM calls [MyClass alloc]! The vtable tricks done in x86_64 don't exist for ARM, as ARM's addressing and branching modes don't make direct dispatch more efficient than a subroutine call.

  4.             movw        r1, :lower16:(L_OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_28-(LPC8_2+4))
                movt        r1, :upper16:(L_OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_28-(LPC8_2+4))
                add        r1, pc
                ldr        r1, [r1]
                movw        r2, :lower16:(L__unnamed_cfstring_27-(LPC8_3+4))
                movt        r2, :upper16:(L__unnamed_cfstring_27-(LPC8_3+4))
                add        r2, pc
                movs        r3, #42
                blx        _objc_msgSend
                mov        r5, r0

    Once again I've slightly rearranged the instruction stream to make more sense. This call is really no different from the first. The result from alloc is already in r0. The -initWithName:number: selector is loaded into r1, the string @"name" into r2, and the immediate value 42 into r3. The result of the method call is saved in r5.

  5.             movw        r0, :lower16:(L_OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_29-(LPC8_4+4))
                movt        r0, :upper16:(L_OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_29-(LPC8_4+4))
                add        r0, pc
                ldr        r1, [r0]
                mov        r0, r5
                blx        _objc_msgSend

    This is the [obj name] method call. Nothing special here.

  6.             mov        r7, r7                @ marker for objc_retainAutoreleaseReturnValue
                blx        _objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
                mov        r4, r0

    The ARC-aware compiler inserts an effective nop (move a register to itself) into the instruction stream so certain code in the Objective-C runtime can detect the call to objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue, then actulaly makes the call. No registers need to be set up, as the return value in r0 matches the intended first parameter also in r0. The result of the function, i.e. the retained [obj name], is saved in r4.

  7.             mov        r0, r4
                bl        _MyFunction
                mov        r7, r7                @ marker for objc_retainAutoreleaseReturnValue
                blx        _objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
                mov        r6, r0

    The value from r4 is reloaded into r0, unnecessarily! The compiler seems to have stumbled in optimizing here, and I'm not sure why. In any case, it then calls MyFunction, and another objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue stanza, saving the final result (i.e. string) in r6.

  8.             mov        r0, r4
                blx        _objc_release

    [obj name] is no longer needed, so release it.

  9.             movw        r0, :lower16:(L__unnamed_cfstring_23-(LPC8_5+4))
                movt        r0, :upper16:(L__unnamed_cfstring_23-(LPC8_5+4))
                add        r0, pc
                mov        r1, r6
                blx        _NSLog

    Again having rearranged the instructions slightly, this is a load of @"%@" into r0 and string into r1, and a call to NSLog. Variadic functions appear to have no special semantics on ARM.

  10.             mov.w        r0, #1065353216
                bl        _MyFPFunction
                vmov        s0, r0

    The 32-bit decimal representation of 1.0 is loaded into r0, an integer register. Why? Because it fits and integer registers are more efficient than vector or floating-point registers when possible. MyFPFunction is called, and the result (again in r0!) loaded into the s0 floating-point register. Note: The .w suffix on the mov instruction means to use the 32-bit Thumb encoding for the instruction even if the 16-bit encoding would otherwise be selected. For this particular instruction, it is probably unnecessary, but it's considered good form to use the annotation even if the 32-bit encoding would chosen automatically.

  11.             movw        r0, :lower16:(L__unnamed_cfstring_31-(LPC8_6+4))
                movt        r0, :upper16:(L__unnamed_cfstring_31-(LPC8_6+4))
                add        r0, pc
                vcvt.f64.f32        d16, s0
                vmov        r1, r2, d16
                blx        _NSLog

    Load @"%f" into r0. Convert the single-precision floating-point value in s0 to a double-precision floating-point value in d16, per the C type promotion rules for variadic function parameter lists (float is converted to double). Load the double-precision value in d16 into the two integer registers r1 and r2, and call NSLog. It is always preferred to pass floating-point arguments in integer registers if they are available.

  12.             mov        r0, r6
                blx        _objc_release
                mov        r0, r5
                blx        _objc_release
                mov        r0, r8
                blx        _objc_autoreleasePoolPop

    Release string, release objc, pop the autorelease pool.

  13.             movs        r0, #0
                ldr        r8, [sp], #4
                pop        {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}

    Load 0 as the return value of main, pop r8 off the stack (remember, r8 can not be efficiently addressed by a pop instruction in Thumb), and restore all the saved registers. Notice that while we saved lr at the beginning of main, we now pop that value into pc. This effectively executes an interworking return from subroutine. (pop into pc is explicitly documented as an interworking branch).

And that's main.

Let's take a quick look at the floating-point operations:

                .thumb_func        _MyFPFunction
                vmov.f32        s2, #5.000000e-01
                vldr.32        s0, LCPI7_0
                vmov        s4, r0
                vadd.f32        d16, d2, d1
                vadd.f32        d0, d16, d0
                vmov        r0, s0
                bx        lr
                .long        3197737370
  1. Declare a Thumb function MyFPFunction.
  2.             vmov.f32        s2, #5.000000e-01
                vldr.32        s0, LCPI7_0
                vmov        s4, r0

    Load the immediate single-precision floating-point value 5.0 into s2. Load the single-precision floating-point value at LCPI7_0 (-0.3) into s0. Load the single-precision floating-point value stored in r0 into s4.

  3.             vadd.f32        d16, d2, d1
                vadd.f32        d0, d16, d0
                vmov        r0, s0

    Using single-precision math, first add d1 and d2 into d16 (remember that s0 corresponds to d0, s2 corresponds to d1, and s4 corresponds to d2). Then add d0 and d16 into d0. Finally, store the single-precision result back into r0.

  4.             bx        lr

    Branch, with interworking, to the link register. This function is so small and simple that it has no prologue, no epilogue, and no stack frame, when built in optimizing mode. This is a noticable win for ARM code, where it wouldn't have been for x86_64. Since lr contains the return address for main, this returns us there.

That's the whole function! Wasn't that simple?

This concludes the whirlwind tour of ARM assembly, and this series of articles on assembly in general. There is quite a bit I haven't covered in both architectures, such as conditional instructions, looping, and optional flag updates on instructions, but this was meant only as an introduction after all. I hope you've enjoyed it. Thanks for reading!

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Enjoyed the article. Minor error: in the discussion of MyFPFunction, it's loading 0.5, not 5.0.
Nice article, thanks!
Passing floating point values in the integer registers is actually less efficient. However, GCC has historically had no support for the VFP version of AAPCS - that is, it always uses the version of the ABI designed for platforms without an FPU.

In any case, calls to NSLog and other variadic functions will always use the base version of AAPCS, as stated in the specification.

Also: In my experience (I've done kernel level work on ARM), the ARMv7 Architecture reference manual (Or, as I like to say, the ARM ARM) contains pretty much everything that the 6 x86 PDFs do. The SystemV x86_64 ABI (as used by everything but Windows and EFI) is specified in a separate document found on x86-64.org, so is really no different, and pretty much all the ARM floating point and vector operations are specified inside the ARM ARM.
When I try to use your command line to compile test.m from Part 1, it bombs immediately with test.m:3:13: fatal error: 'Cocoa/Cocoa.h' file not found. Which seems to make sense since iOS programs don't use Cocoa.h. Are you sure you used the identical test.m?
Steve: Sorry, I forgot to mention that you'll have to change that line to #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> to build for armv7.

mov r4, r0
mov r0, r4

I stumbled across this also whilst trying to work out why the compiler was doing something odd - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9151028/why-do-these-simple-methods-compile-differently/

The optimiser clearly is doing strange things and quite odd that it didn't manage to clean up the redundant mov. I guess these things happen though.

You should file a bug report for it as well.
Why apple choose mov r7, r7 as a marker. Can r7 be replaced by other register?
very useful and helpful.

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