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Welcome back to another Friday Q&A. I apologize for the unannounced hiatus in posts. It's not due to anything interesting, just a shortage of time. Friday Q&A will continue, and I will continue to aim for my regular biweekly postings. For today's article, I have a little story about an autorelease
call that didn't do what it was supposed to do.
The Setup
ARC is a lovely technology but it doesn't cover everything. Sometimes you need to use CoreFoundation objects and you're back in the world of manual memory management.
Normally, that's no problem. I did manual memory management for many years, and while I enjoy not doing it with ARC, I still remember how. However, ARC makes some things a bit more difficult than they used to be. In particular, sometimes you want to autorelease
a CoreFoundation object. Without ARC, you might write something like this:
CFDictionaryRef MakeDictionary(void) {
CFMutableDictionaryRef dict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
// Put some stuff in the dictionary here perhaps
[(id)dict autorelease];
return dict;
This gives you nice memory management semantics, where the caller is not responsible for releasing the return value, just like we're used to with most Cocoa methods. It takes advantage of the fact that all CoreFoundation objects are also Objective-C objects, and an autorelease
is a way to balance a CoreFoundation Create
This code no longer works with ARC, because the call to autorelease
is not permitted. To solve this, Apple helpfully provided us with a CFAutorelease
function which does the same thing and can be used with ARC. Unfortunately, it's only available as of iOS 7 and Mac OS X 10.9. For those of us who need to support older OS releases, we have to improvise.
My solution was to get the selector for autorelease
using the sel_getUid
runtime call, which sneaks past ARC's rules. Then I'd send that selector to the CoreFoundation object, thus accomplishing the same thing as [(id)dict autorelease]
. My code looked like this:
CFDictionaryRef MakeDictionary(void) {
CFMutableDictionaryRef dict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
// Put some stuff in the dictionary here perhaps
SEL autorelease = sel_getUid("autorelease");
IMP imp = class_getMethodImplementation(object_getClass((__bridge id)dict), autorelease);
((id (*)(CFTypeRef, SEL))imp)(dict, autorelease);
return dict;
Note: if you ended up here because you need code to accomplish this, do not use this code. As we will see shortly, it's broken. If you want working code for this, check the end of the article.
I tested this code and everything worked fine. A little later, another programmer on the project reported that it was consistently crashing for him. Fortunately, I was able to replicate his crash without too much difficulty. However, it took a while to figure out just what was going on.
The Crash
This code does not crash itself. However, it can cause a crash in subsequent code. For example:
CFDictionaryRef dict = MakeDictionary();
NSLog(@"%@", dict);
This crashes on the second NSLog
line. The stack trace looks like a typical memory management crash:
frame #0: 0x00007fff917980a3 libobjc.A.dylib`objc_msgSend + 35
frame #1: 0x00007fff97175184 Foundation`_NSDescriptionWithLocaleFunc + 41
frame #2: 0x00007fff9077bd94 CoreFoundation`__CFStringAppendFormatCore + 7332
frame #3: 0x00007fff907aa313 CoreFoundation`_CFStringCreateWithFormatAndArgumentsAux + 115
frame #4: 0x00007fff907e1b9b CoreFoundation`_CFLogvEx + 123
frame #5: 0x00007fff9719ed0c Foundation`NSLogv + 79
frame #6: 0x00007fff9719ec98 Foundation`NSLog + 148
It seems that the dictionary is being destroyed before the NSLog
call. But how can that be? We called autorelease
in the function, and the autorelease pool has not yet been drained. The release
that will balance the CoreFoundation Create
call hasn't happened yet, so the object should still exist.
The Assembly
After poking at the code in various ways, I decided to read the assembly code generated by the compiler. There wasn't much to the code I wrote, so whatever problem there was must have been deeper.
Here's the x86-64 assembly output for the broken MakeDictionary
_MakeDictionary: ## @MakeDictionary
.loc 1 11 0 ## test.m:11:0
## BB#0:
pushq %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
.cfi_offset %rbp, -16
movq %rsp, %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp
subq $32, %rsp
movabsq $0, %rax
.loc 1 12 0 prologue_end ## test.m:12:0
movq %rax, %rdi
movq %rax, %rsi
movq %rax, %rdx
movq %rax, %rcx
callq _CFDictionaryCreateMutable
leaq L_.str(%rip), %rdi
movq %rax, -8(%rbp)
.loc 1 15 0 ## test.m:15:0
callq _sel_getUid
movq %rax, -16(%rbp)
.loc 1 16 0 ## test.m:16:0
movq -8(%rbp), %rax
movq %rax, %rdi
callq _object_getClass
movq -16(%rbp), %rsi
movq %rax, %rdi
callq _class_getMethodImplementation
movq %rax, -24(%rbp)
.loc 1 17 0 ## test.m:17:0
movq -24(%rbp), %rax
movq -8(%rbp), %rcx
movq -16(%rbp), %rsi
movq %rcx, %rdi
callq *%rax
movq %rax, %rdi
callq _objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
movq %rax, %rdi
callq _objc_release
.loc 1 19 0 ## test.m:19:0
movq -8(%rbp), %rax
addq $32, %rsp
popq %rbp
Pretty straightforward here. Since no real calculations are done, we can just look at the sequence of callq
instructions to see what functions are called. It calls CFDictionaryCreateMutable
, sel_getUid
, object_getClass
, class_getMethodImplementation
, and then there's an indirect call through the function pointer which is where it actually makes the autorelease
call. ARC then hops in and does some pointless but harmless work on the return value from the call by retaining it and then immediately releasing it. The function then returns the dictionary to the caller.
Mostly Harmless
It took me a little while to realize what was going on, but then it was obvious. I said that the ARC calls inserted are "pointless but harmless." In fact, they are anything but!
One of the interesting features that came with ARC is fast handling of autoreleased return values. This sort of pattern is extremely common with ARC:
// callee
obj = [[SomeClass alloc] init];
[obj setup];
return [obj autorelease];
// caller
obj = [[self method] retain];
[obj doStuff];
[obj release];
A human programmer would typically omit the retain
and release
calls in the caller, but ARC is more paranoid. This would make things a bit slower when using ARC, which is where the fast autorelease handling comes in.
There is some extremely fancy and mind-bending code in the Objective-C runtime's implementation of autorelease
. Before actually sending an autorelease
message, it first inspects the caller's code. If it sees that the caller is going to immediately call objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
, it completely skips the message send. It doesn't actually do an autorelease
at all. Instead, it just stashes the object in a known location, which signals that it hasn't sent autorelease
at all.
cooperates in this scheme. Before calling retain
, it first checks that known location. If it contains the right object, it skips the retain. The net result is that the above code is effectively transformed into this:
// callee
obj = [[SomeClass alloc] init];
[obj setup];
return obj;
// caller
obj = [self method];
[obj doStuff];
[obj release];
This is faster because it skips the autorelease pool entirely, saving three message sends and the accompanying work: autorelease
, the caller's retain
, and the eventual release
sent by the autorelease pool. It also allows the object to be destroyed earlier, reducing memory and cache pressure.
The beautiful thing about this technique is that because the runtime checks the caller's code before making this optimization, everything is perfectly compatible with code that doesn't participate in the scheme. If the caller does something else with the return value, then the runtime simply calls autorelease
and everything works normally.
I said that this code is not pointless. What, then, is the point of the retain
immediately followed by release
in the assembly above? It allows the caller to participate in this scheme even though it's not using the return value. It would be correct to simply omit them, but in that case, the fast autorelease
path is lost. It ends up being faster to make these two extra calls, at least in the common case.
I also said that this code is not harmless. The harm here is exactly that fast autorelease path. To ARC, an autorelease
in a function or method followed by a retain
in the caller is just a way to pass ownership around. However, that's not what's going on in this code. This code is attempting to actually put the object into the autorelease pool no matter what. ARC's clever optimization ends up bypassing that attempt and as a result, the dictionary is immediately destroyed instead of being placed in the autorelease pool for later destruction.
Root Cause
It all comes down to the function pointer cast used when making the autorelease
((id (*)(CFTypeRef, SEL))imp)(dict, autorelease);
I wrote it like this because that's what the type is. The autorelease
method returns id
and takes two (normally implicit) parameters: self
and the selector being sent. I changed the self
parameter to CFTypeRef
instead of id
for convenience, but left the return type as id
since that's what it really is in the underlying autorelease
method. It shouldn't matter, since the return value is ignored anyway.
That return type is this code's downfall. I was careful to avoid ARC's meddling for the most part, but that id
makes ARC come in and start inserting calls, and that causes the dictionary to be immediately destroyed.
The Fix
Once all of this is known, the fix is easy. Get ARC out of the picture by having the call return CFTypeRef
instead of id
. Here's the complete function with the fix:
CFDictionaryRef MakeDictionary(void) {
CFMutableDictionaryRef dict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
// Put some stuff in the dictionary here perhaps
SEL autorelease = sel_getUid("autorelease");
IMP imp = class_getMethodImplementation(object_getClass((__bridge id)dict), autorelease);
((CFTypeRef (*)(CFTypeRef, SEL))imp)(dict, autorelease);
return dict;
Dumping the assembly shows that ARC is now out of the picture:
_MakeDictionary: ## @MakeDictionary
.loc 1 11 0 ## test.m:11:0
## BB#0:
pushq %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
.cfi_offset %rbp, -16
movq %rsp, %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp
subq $32, %rsp
movabsq $0, %rax
.loc 1 12 0 prologue_end ## test.m:12:0
movq %rax, %rdi
movq %rax, %rsi
movq %rax, %rdx
movq %rax, %rcx
callq _CFDictionaryCreateMutable
leaq L_.str(%rip), %rdi
movq %rax, -8(%rbp)
.loc 1 15 0 ## test.m:15:0
callq _sel_getUid
movq %rax, -16(%rbp)
.loc 1 16 0 ## test.m:16:0
movq -8(%rbp), %rax
movq %rax, %rdi
callq _object_getClass
movq -16(%rbp), %rsi
movq %rax, %rdi
callq _class_getMethodImplementation
movq %rax, -24(%rbp)
.loc 1 17 0 ## test.m:17:0
movq -24(%rbp), %rax
movq -8(%rbp), %rcx
movq -16(%rbp), %rsi
movq %rcx, %rdi
callq *%rax
.loc 1 19 0 ## test.m:19:0
movq -8(%rbp), %rcx
movq %rax, -32(%rbp) ## 8-byte Spill
movq %rcx, %rax
addq $32, %rsp
popq %rbp
One question remains: why did this code work for me initially, and my colleage only uncovered the crash later?
The answer is actually pretty simple, once everything else is known. This is an iOS project. I tested the code in the simulator, while he tried it on a real iPhone. The runtime function that performs the fast autorelease check is called callerAcceptsFastAutorelease
. It's architecture-specific since it's inspecting machine code. If you look at the version used in the 32-bit iOS simulator, the problem becomes apparent:
# elif __i386__ && TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR
static bool callerAcceptsFastAutorelease(const void *ra)
return false;
In short, the fast autorelease handling is not implemented for the 32-bit iOS simulator. It makes sense that it wouldn't be. It's going to be some non-trivial amount of effort to implement and fix. Meanwhile, ARC is not supported on i386
for Mac programs, so the only way to hit this path on i386
is to run in the simulator. There's no real point in putting effort into extreme optimizations that will only apply to simulator apps.
Before writing this article, I first wrote a small test case so I could easily experiment and examine the problem in isolation. However, there was a big problem: the test case didn't work! Or rather, it did work just fine, and refused to crash. The code was really simple, roughly:
int main(int argc, char **argv)
@autoreleasepool {
CFDictionaryRef dict = MakeDictionary();
NSLog(@"%@", dict);
return 0;
There isn't much room for error there, so it was baffling why it wouldn't crash.
After many single-steps through assembly in the debugger, I realized that it had to do with dyld
lazy binding. References to external functions aren't fully bound when a program is initially loaded. Instead, a stub is generated which has enough information to complete the binding the first time the call is made. On the first call to an external function, the address for that function is looked up, the stub is rewritten to point to it, and then the function call is made. Subsequent calls go directly to the function. By binding lazily, program startup time is improved and time isn't wasted looking up functions that are never called.
That means that on the very first run of this code, the call to objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
isn't fully bound. Because it's not fully bound, callerAcceptsFastAutorelease
doesn't realize that the call is to objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
. Because it doesn't see the call to objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
, the fast autorelease path isn't used. The dictionary goes into the autorelease pool as was originally intended, and the code works... once.
Once I figured that out, it was trivial to force the crash by inserting a loop:
int main(int argc, char **argv)
while(1) @autoreleasepool {
CFDictionaryRef dict = MakeDictionary();
NSLog(@"%@", dict);
return 0;
The loop reliably crashes on the second iteration. The first time through triggers lazy binding of objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
, which then allows the next call to take the fast autorelease path and trigger the bug.
This has little consequence for normal programs, which will perform the lazy binding for functions like these early on. It ended up being a severe complicating factor for a small test program, though.
ARC is great technology, but sometimes it's necessary to work around it. When working around it, you have to be sure you really work around it, and not give it any opportunity to jump in. If you do, it might decide to eliminate what looks like a useless autorelease call, causing your objects to be instantaneously destroyed instead of being peacefully returned to the caller.
People sometimes ask me if I actually use the crazy and esoteric stuff I discuss on this blog. This is a good example: it took basic assembly language reading, Objective-C runtime internals, and understanding of specific ARC calls to track down this bug. Building the example crasher further required understanding how dyld
binds external function references at runtime. This is all great stuff to know, and even if you never use it, it's just plain fun.
That's it for today. I hope to be back on track, so check back soon for another article. In the meantime, as always, Friday Q&A is driven by reader suggestions, so if you have a topic that you'd like to see covered, please send it in!
Since you can mix and match ARC with non-ARC, wouldn't it be as simply as compiling and linking a non-ARC object file built from.:
CFTypeRef MAAutorelease(CFTypeRef CF_RELEASES_ARGUMENT arg)
return [(id)arg autorelease];
Then you could even use compile-time checks to opt for Apple's official CFAutorelease whenever it's available.
And objc_autoreleaseReturnValue from the same document:
The suggested implementation is also ugly to look at and not immediately understandable. The two alternatives suggested in the comments (using __autoreleasing or exporting a non-ARC custom CFAutorelease function) are much cleaner.
I feel like #import <objc/runtime.h> is a worst-case scenario that should only be invoked if there is no other sensible way to do what you need.
return CFBridgingRelease(dict);
As far as I'm aware, that hands off management of the object to ARC, which allows ARC to do its automatic autoreleaseReturnValue() and retainAutoreleasedReturnValue() as normal.
It doesn't help that there's no documentation for CFAutorelease() though, so I probably just don't properly understand the problem you're trying to solve.
return (__bridge_transfer NSDictionary *)dict;
CFDictionaryRef MakeDictionary(void) {
CFMutableDictionaryRef dict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
// Put some stuff in the dictionary here perhaps
id __autoreleasing result = CFBridgingRelease(dict);
return (__bridge CFDictionaryRef)result;
You could then extract the autorelease part in a helper function:
inline CFTypeRef MyAutorelease(CFTypeRef obj) {
id __autoreleasing result = CFBridgingRelease(obj);
return (__bridge CFTypeRef)result;
CFDictionaryRef MakeDictionary(void) {
CFMutableDictionaryRef dict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
// Put some stuff in the dictionary here perhaps
return MyAutorelease(dict);
might also affect this behavior.
In any case ARC should offer enough tools to achieve autoreleasing without having to circumvent ARC by calling a selector manually.
in combination with the precise lifetime attribute?autorelease
call would certainly work. I don't like using per-file compiler flags when I don't have to, so that's why I went with my approach, but it's just a matter of preference.
Ari Weinstein: The bug was due to implementation details, yes. But the corrected code doesn't depend on them at all. If the implementation details change, the correct code remains correct. The original bug could have been nastier of it had managed not to show up at all until, say, the next OS release, but fortunately it showed up quickly. I don't believe any such things remain in the revised code. As for other ideas being cleaner, I don't think
is cleaner or more understandable at all. You're ultimately relying on a side effect of assigning to a variable to accomplish the goal, with the actual call you're attempting to make being invisibly generated by the compiler, as opposed to having everything be completely explicit in the code. As for a non-ARC function, see above, I think that's just a matter of preference.
Jim Dovey:
return CFBridgingRelease(dict);
won't work because I'm returning a CFDictionaryRef
. Written like that, it won't compile. Add a __bridge
cast and it will compile, but the same problem I experienced will occur, as ARC will immediately release the object once it leaves that world.
bob: That would work, but the whole point of this function was to make it more convenient to call certain Security.framework APIs that take
parameters. As such, I wanted the return type to be exactly what it was expecting and not require additional casting at the call site.
Tammo Freese: Yes, I believe
would work. Clang's ARC docs seem clear enough that it's always going to be a real autorelease there. However, I really dislike how implicit it is, as I mentioned above.From my point of view, using ARC's
is explicit, just as using __weak
or the default __strong
: I express how I expect the variable to be handled, and leave retain
, release
and autorelease
calls to the compiler/runtime.
As for "ultimately relying on a side effect of assigning to a variable to accomplish the goal", and the call(s) "being invisibly generated by the compiler, as opposed to having everything be completely explicit in the code": Isn't that true for all of ARC?
variable, that doesn't mean "every time you assign to this, release what was there before and retain the new value". Instead, it tells the compiler to maintain a strong reference to the new value.
The difference between those two is apparent in the autorelease elision example I gave above. When you do
obj = [self method]
it's possible that neither a release nor a retain occurs. The compiler will omit the release of the previous value if it knows the previous value is nil
, as is often the case. The runtime omits the retain when it can perform autorelease elision.
For a more explicit but less realistic example, imagine you wanted to cause three retains and releases for some reason. So you write code like this:
id a = [obj method];
id b = a;
id c = b;
This works fine and does what you want... when you compile with
. But the moment you switch to -O3
, the compiler realizes that none of these variables are actually being used, and it collapses the whole thing down to a single objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
(which generally won't perform a retain at all) followed by a single release. If you somehow needed three retains and releases here, your code no longer works.
is an exception to this, as far as I can tell. It's basically just a hack added to the system in order to allow ARC to work with the pre-ARC semantics of out parameters like the standard NSError **
parameter. As such, it looks like you can indeed count on a real autorelease being performed any time you assign to it. But I don't want to take advantage of that exception if I don't have to, and so for the same reason I'd never use __strong
just for the side effect of generating a retain
, I don't want to use __autorelease
just for the side effect of generating an autorelease.
I hope that makes some sense
"A program is ill-formed if it contains a method definition, message send, or @selector expression for any of the following selectors:
Why do feel that risk in creating ill-formed code is less of an issue than using __autoreleasing?
- (id)autorelease { ... }
[obj autorelease];
And the equivalents for the other three messages mentioned. There is no "risk". A program is well-formed or it is not. In this case, it is, because it doesn't contain any of those constructs. If it was not, the compiler would output an error. This is why I had to write
instead of @selector(autorelease)
feels a bit like a hack to you. I would use it as it does not feel like a hack to me, but simply as one of the storage specifiers.
You may be interested to know that
does not always perform a real autorelease when you assign to it. As an example, suppose you would like your MakeDictionary
cast an NSMutableDictionary
. This solution may or may not work:
CFDictionaryRef MakeDictionary(void) {
id dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
// Put some stuff in the dictionary here perhaps
return (__bridge CFDictionaryRef)dict;
supports ARC's performance optimization with the handover, MakeDictionary
would return a pointer to a deallocated object (in the highest optimization setting, the compiler inserts objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
and objc_release
To be sure, I would use
CFDictionaryRef MakeDictionary(void) {
id __autoreleasing dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
// Put some stuff in the dictionary here perhaps
return (__bridge CFDictionaryRef)dict;
Here, the compiler does not insert any retain/release/autorelease calls, but simply returns the object from the
call to the caller. The object is already retained and autoreleased, and even if +dictionary
would support ARC's performance optimization, it won't kick in, as there is no call to objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
, not to mention about a million calls in the frameworks. Did the authors of that section intend to cover every non-trivial program? Of course not. It's obviously talking about syntax, as in you can't write [obj autorelaese]
, not about other ways to invoke it.
Tammo Freese: It's extremely interesting that assigning to an
doesn't always generate an autorelease
call. To me, this perfectly illustrates why it's bad to rely on such an assignment for the autorelease
side effect. If you can't rely on it actually calling autorelease
, surely.
It's actually really easy to take advantage of that to make some code that crashes mysteriously:
NSMutableArray *PremadeDictionaries;
void FillPremadeDictionaries(void) {
@autoreleasepool {
PremadeDictionaries = [NSMutableArray array];
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
[PremadeDictionaries addObject: [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]];
CFDictionaryRef MakeDictionary(void) {
id __autoreleasing dict = [PremadeDictionaries lastObject];
[PremadeDictionaries removeLastObject];
// Put some stuff in the dictionary here perhaps
return (__bridge CFDictionaryRef)dict;
Assuming you call
first, this ends up returning a pointer to a destroyed object to the caller, and crashes after a few iterations of the testing loop.
Here's another
implementation that falls afoul of this. It stashes each dictionary in a global variable so it can release it next time:
id MakeCFDictionary(void) {
static CFMutableDictionaryRef savedDictionary;
if (savedDictionary != NULL)
savedDictionary = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
return (__bridge id)savedDictionary;
CFMutableDictionaryRef MakeDictionary(void) {
id __autoreleasing result = MakeCFDictionary();
return (__bridge CFMutableDictionaryRef)result;
When called twice in in a row my test program, it ends up returning the same dictionary twice! The code superficially appears to work, but mutating one dictionary ends up mutating them both:
CFMutableDictionaryRef dict1 = MakeDictionary();
CFMutableDictionaryRef dict2 = MakeDictionary();
CFDictionaryAddValue(dict1, @"1", @"2");
NSLog(@"%@ %@", dict1, dict2);
2014-05-12 11:23:30.597 a.out[95103:507] {
1 = 2;
} {
1 = 2;
Now, is this code realistic? Not particularly. It's kind of dumb. On the other hand, casting to a function pointer that returns
in code that's trying to bypass ARC is kind of dumb too. If __autoreleasing
doesn't actually call autorelease
in all cases, then how much analysis do you have to put into your code to be sure that it'll be called in the case you care about? How could that possibly be better than directly making the call yourself?
Dan: A lot of this one was just staring at the assembly and doing a lot of logging, which is why I kind of glossed over it. However, for a general discussion of techniques, this article might be more what you're looking for:
PS The hashcash took hours to calculate. It's only because I left this tab open in the background that I can, finally, comment.
optimization screws things up then. I think that qualifies as a compiler bug, I'll file a radar for it.
Kudos for the second example, haven't wrapped my head around it yet. I see what's going wrong in MakeDictionary, but haven't found out why that leads to the same dictionary returned twice.
The second example is kind of weird, and returning the same dictionary twice is mostly luck. The first dictionary gets destroyed and then the second dictionary just happens to be allocated in the same location. Depending on memory allocation patterns and such, it could easily be something else, or just invalid memory.
I suppose the compiler could retain/autorelease when returning a bridged object, but honestly it's probably better to just accept CoreFoundation conventions, annotate the function as CF_RETURNS_RETAINED, and return the new dictionary at +1. Even though it's slightly more difficult for callers to work with.
The only thing the function does is to check for a specific marker (a no-op: mov r7, r7) that is put there by the ARC optimiser of the LLVM compiler. Diving into LLVM source code brings up the following bit of knowledge:
I was wondering why is that so on arm? Having the compiler put there a certain marker so that a specific implementation of a library can find it sounds like a strong coupling between compiler and library code. Why can't the "sniffing" be implemented the say way as on the x86_64 platform?
In short, the dyld stubs on ARM have multiple different forms due to the nature of the ARM instruction set, and checking for all the various possibilities would be really slow.
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This one blew my mind several times. Great piece of investigatory work and a great example of using these "esoteric" examples that you provide us!